
This is a one of kind production that reunites audiences with one of the greatest performers of our time. It is a lighthearted look at “what if” Elvis returned. The story is for both the avid Elvis fan and the Elvis newcomer, “a sampler of all that is Elvis” suitable for all ages.

“The King” begins with Elvis unfrozen from a cryogenic freeze he secretly under went in 1977. As the story unfolds you join him on an Elvis adventure in the Twenty First Century where he battles the elements of commercialism, corporate lawsuits, science and technology.

Befriended by a family in a small Mississippi town, a troubled Elvis, scarred by his old lifestyle, is determined to prove who he is through his musical talent. Will the world believe him?

The production is a unique combination of rear screen projected sets and video sequences. The entire show is underscored with a live band and back-up singers that perform over 20 of Elvis’ biggest hits.


TICKETS $20.00
$10.00 twelve and under
Suitable for Ages 5 up


Frank Tryon as “The King”

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“The King Makers”

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